Рубрика "пока мы спали": Фейсбук таки закрыл купленный 2 года назад Parse. Это была система, позволяющая мобильным разработчикам не заморачиваться и с бэкендом в 99% случаев. Не знаю, останется ли теперь в фейсбуке основатель, Илья Сухар, но компания была крутая и многое сделала для создания новой мобильной среды. Да, Parse закрыли, но культурно - большую часть отдали в opensource. blog.parse.com/announcements/mov
Moving On
We have a difficult announcement to make. Beginning today we're winding down the Parse service, and Parse will be fully retired after a year-long period ending on January 28, 2017. We're proud that we've been able to help so many of you build great mobile apps, but we need to focus our resources elsewhere. We understand that this won't be an easy transition, and we're working hard to make this process as easy as possible. We are committed to maintaining the backend service during the sunset period, and are providing several tools to help migrate applications to other services. First, we're releasing a database migration tool that lets you migrate data from your Parse app to any MongoDB database. During this migration, the Parse API will continue to operate as usual based on your new database, so this can happen without downtime. Second, we're releasing the open source Parse Server, which lets you run most of the Parse API from your own Node.js server. Once you have your data in your