May 02, 2018

Амазон, как вы наверное знаете, попросил телеграм не использовать domain fronting и вообще закрывает эту функцию (вслед за гуглом). Сегодня отличную историю об их взаимодействии с Амазоном опубликовала команда Signal, все более чем очевидно - задача амазона и гугла в предоставлении сервисов, а не борьбе с блокировками. А domain fronting, конечно, не решение от блокирования сервисов, а просто отсрочка.

A letter from Amazon

Last week, we received the following email from Amazon: From: [redacted], [redacted] <[redacted]> Subject: Notification of potential account suspension regarding AWS Service Terms Moxie, Yesterday AWS became aware of your Github and Hacker News/ycombinator posts describing how Signal plans to make its traffic look like traffic from another site, (popularly known as “domain fronting”) by using a domain owned by Amazon -- You do not have permission from Amazon to use for any purpose. Any use of or any other domain to masquerade as another entity without express permission of the domain owner is in clear violation of the AWS Service Terms (Amazon CloudFront, Sec. 2.1: “You must own or have all necessary rights to use any domain name or SSL certificate that you use in conjunction with Amazon CloudFront”). It is also a violation of our Acceptable Use Policy by falsifying the origin of traffic and the unauthorized use of a domain. We are happy for you to use AWS Services, but…